At Victory, it is our hope to reach a lost world for Christ. As laid out by Christ in Acts 1:8 we are to go to Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea and the uttermost parts of the earth. For us today, this means we are to be focused in GOING on missions locally, state wide, nationally and around the globe.
At Victory we are always moving in those directions and encourage you to join us!
Local Missions:
Serve Day:
We want to be a people who are reaching those around us with the gospel of Christ and in April we made an intentional effort to do just that. As a church we divided into 3 groups to serve the people of Ouachita Parish. We had a block-party at Hillcrest Apartments, served at the NE Louisiana Veterans Home, and made baskets for hospital waiting rooms and meals for our home-bound; all in the efforts of showing God’s love to our community.
Community service:
Opportunities to serve in Ouachita Parish are numerous. Below you will find a list of some of the missions and outreaches of Victory in our community. We want you to come and be a part of serving others.
Ray of Hope, Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home, Connect 1:27 Foster Care & Adoption Ministries, ULM BCM, Seeker Springs Ministry, Grace Place Soup Kitchen, Simple Project, Rolling Hills Ministries, Operation Christmas Child
Royal Family Kids Camp:
In July of 2018 we had the opportunity to serve 24 children in the foster care system through Royal Family Kid’s Camp. With the partnership of Seeker Springs Ministry and numerous local churches and businesses, we were able to bring the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to children with no hope. Through many years of prayers and intensive training, God prepared us to serve the least of these. We ask that you be in prayer as we begin to pray and plan for Royal Family Kid’s Camp 2019. If you would like more information about how you can be involved in this week of camp, please contact the church office.
World Missions:
In December of 2017, God gave Victory the vision to begin partnering with other Louisiana Baptist’s through a project called Louisiana Baptist’s Reach Haiti. Unfortunately, because of the restrictions of Haiti, we have not been allowed access back into the country. We continue to pray for the children’s home and leaders who are ministering during these difficult days.
In July of 2023, God opened the door for a team of thirteen people from Victory to be involved in mission work in Honduras through the Shepherd’s Project. This was a very fruitful time of evangelism, VBS, and encouragement for local churches and pastors in Honduras. It is our prayer that God will continue to allow us to be a part of this ministry.